

PERFORMER.. What is it?

Most people are curious why I always put "performer' as an additional in my name, including this Blog..
Once upon a time, halaaah..
Not every story should begin with that phrase, rite?
Let's start it..
When I was with Elnusa, as their legal counsel, I had a 'small group' which usually was the center of management's attention because of our bad behaviour, such as shouting to each other, behind-talking (whatisitmaaaan..hahahaha), having after hour parties, karoke-ing, and still other thing to tell like taking photo in swimming pool with not-so-goo-pose-for-those-married-persons.. Hehehe..
I had this Bro, named Andry Pamungkas (called WP), he was on of the closest friend of mine, despite of his bad expression to me, I Love him so much because of his 'otak jenius yang aneh'..
Once, he told me to take the online test which seemed to me like a psychology test..
It was the MBTI test.. He said that he was an IDEALIST..
Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
Okay, then I tried it, 72 q's I must answered and with limited vocabulary and there were no or similar ti help me find the meaning of each words..
Then come the result..
ESFP.. Extrovert Sensing Feeling Perceiving
And the call for it is PERFORMER..
See the description below..
Maybe it is true, as WP said that the result is 99% ACCURATE..
He knew it before I took the test and got the result..
He always have a sense that I was a person who was A DRAMA QUEEN..
Well, not exactly that Drama even that Queen.
But he looked at me as a woman which always look for people attention..
Darn it..
I didn't notice it, it is naturally out of myself, which I never intentionally do for such a way to get that attention..
Sometimes I feel like I am soooo tired of being this..
But like I said, I even didn't know how I start it, how could I stop it then..
I remember how sad I was being a school enemy because I go to Teachers' room to tell him/her that my class was waiting for the subjects to be delivered..
Who wanted that?
None but me..
Why I did that?
Because I want to be known by the teachers as a 'best student'..
I got it, the best student with lots of trophies..
But now I realise how I missed the craziness of high school..
Artisan™ Portrait of the Performer (ESFP)

Performers have the special ability, even among the Artisans, to delight those around them with their warmth, their good humor, and with their often extraordinary skills in music, comedy, and drama. Whether on the job, with friends, or with their families, Performers are exciting and full of fun, and their great social interest lies in stimulating those around them to take a break from work and worry, to lighten up and enjoy life.

Performers are plentiful, something over ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate, because they bring pleasure to so many of us. Performers are the people for whom it can truly be said "all the world's a stage." Born entertainers, they love the excitement of playing to an audience, and will quickly become the center of attention wherever they are. Performers aren't comfortable being alone, and seek the company of others whenever possible-which they usually find, for they make wonderful playmates. Performers are smooth, talkative, and witty; they always seem to know the latest jokes and stories, and are quick with wisecracks and wordplay-nothing is so serious or sacred that it can't be made fun of. Performers also like to live in the fast lane, and seem up on the latest fashions of dress, food, drink, and music. Lively and uninhibited, Performers are the life of the party, always trying to create in those around them a mood of eat, drink, and be merry.

The Performers' talent for enjoying life is healthy for the most part, though it also makes them more subject to temptations than the other types. Pleasure seems to be an end in itself for them, and variety is the spice of life. And so Performers are open to trying almost anything that promises them a good time, not always giving enough thought to the consequences.

Like the other Artisans, Performers are incurably optimistic - "Always look on the bright side," is their motto - and they will avoid worries and troubles by ignoring them as long as possible. They are also the most generous of all the types, and second only to the Composer Artisans [ISFPs] in kindness. Performers haven't a mean or stingy bone in their body-what's theirs is yours-and they seem to have little idea of saving or conserving. They give what they have to one and all without expectation of reward, just as they love freely, and without expecting anything in return. In so many ways, Performers view life as an eternal cornucopia from which flows an endless supply of pleasures.

Elizabeth Taylor, John Goodman, Marylin Monroe, Judy Garland, Magic Johnson, Pablo Picasso, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Elvis, and Leonard Bernstein are examples of Performer Artisans.


What Do You Think?

- I want this decoration style to be applied for my living room -

- I want this decoration style to be applied for my bedroom -

But my Baba rejected my wishes..


We will make it..

I am sooo happy...
We're going to Bangkok mid November..
This November will be a great November I hope..
Yupe, it's my birth-month, and my Baba bought us ticket to Bangkok..
Thank You, Babaaaab..

And my family were very happy for our plan yet my Boss approved my vacation schedule, which before I was really not-so-sure that he'll let me..
Thank You Boss..

And I can't wait for the days to come..




Today is PAYDAY..
Sebenernya sih kemarin sore juga udah masuk rekening..
Cuma ga yakin ajah, sampai tadi pagi cek ke atm..
and YES..
Langsung deh transfer mentransfer dan bayar-bayar..
Hidup masa muda memang penuh dengan tagihan..

Berhubung rekening payroll adalah Bank yang 'Bersaudara' dengan Medco, jadilah setiap tanggal gajian harus mentransfer ke rekening Bank 'yangprodukterbarunyamenolongkamisetiappagidijalantol'..
Dari rekening itu yah semua nominal bisa dibilang 'numpang lewat'..

Ajakan Nurina Rahmadini, seorang Public Affairs kantor, sangat menggoda hati..
NGAMBAS di jam makan siang..
Sebenernya sih kemarin juga dia udah ajak..
Kebetulan di lantai kita hanya ada 5 wanita, termasuk Indah, Sonia dan Bu Irin..

-Ini Si UDIN- -ini Indah-

-ini Bu Irin-

Tapi Sonia sedang dinas ke lapangan, jadi ga masuk hitungan..
Tapi, karena kemarin adalah hari krisis..
Jadi kita pada malas-malasan..
Terutama pas Bu Irin dengan santaynya bilang, "Neng.. bawa uangnya yang banyak yah, jadi saya pinjem dulu.."
Eike ajah bingung ambil alokasi darimana, kok Doi asoy..
Tapi bukan karena itu ajah sih, emang karena males ajah..

Jadi siang tadi deh..
Dan yang nyebelinnya..
Si UDIN (panggilan sayang untuk Nurina Dini tadi) malah ke salon dan keluar dari rombongan..
Dia ada gathering PA&PR Oil&Gas di Four Season..
Jadilah kita ber3 keliling Ambas..
Dan seperti biasaaaaa..
Wanita yang satu ini kan selalu tidak bisa menahan yang namanya BAJU BAGUS yahhh..
Jadilah saya mengkalap..

Toko pertama, memang lucu2, tapi kok terlalu sumpek dan banyak pengunjung..
Yang mana artinya adalah:
No Way..

Akhirnya kita ke ITC ajah..
Karena Bu Irin ingin mencari batik..
Ya suddddd..
Eh, ada toko bagus, barang2nya lucu2..
Pilih memilih..
Coba mencoba..
Langsung deh bayar..
2 potong dengan harga around 300 rebu..
Dan yang satu langsung Kupakai..

tadi pagi memang membuat mood tidak terlalu bagus..
Jeans andalan ceritanya baru dicuci..
Jadilah dia KETAT seKETAT KETAT nya..
Tapi memang karena minggu ini banyak makan yah..
Kayaknya ga pernah abses sarapan deh..
Jadilah tadi pagi telat karena bingung pakai baju apa yang bisa menyamarkan paha berbalut betis yang sangat besar ini..

okay, lanjut dengan mencari toko batik..
ke toko tempat gw biasa beli baju panjang yang lagi model saat ini (yang model Ghea itu lhooo)..
Sebelahnya ada toko batik..
BAGUS bangetttttt..
Tapi muahal yahhh..
sekitar 300an..
Dan sebenernya biasa ajah sihhh bahan2nya..
Bisa ajah beli bahan dan jahit sendiri, jauh lebih murah..

Lanjut ke lantai 2..
Ada toko batik tapi ga terlalu bagus..
Akhirnya mampir ke toko jeans, Neng Indah pengen beli..
Sempet coba juga warna hitam..
Tapi kok tampak lebih besar yah?
Apa karena bahan dan modelnya?
Jadi Indah ajah deh yang beli..

Si Bu Irin menghilang doooonk..
Doi cari toko kosmetik dan meninggalkan HP nya berdering-dering di tas akuhhhh..
KEBIASAAN emang tuh!
Jadi setelah Indah bayar jeansnya, kita keliling nyari Bu Irin..

Ketemu butik lumayan yang bonekanya memakai rok..
emang sebenernya lagi kepengen cari rok..
Udah mulai berasa PD asal jangan pencil skirt deh..
Bikin paha pinggul dan betis seperti sedang pameran di JCC..
Jelas terlihat..

Dan setelah coba tawar menawar dan suka, akhirnya bayar deh..

Lanjut mencari Bu Irin..
Mampir toko batik bagus..
Kok oye banget nih batik..
Tapi modelnya kurang sesuai keinginan..
Jadi ga semangat..

Sampai suatu ketikaaaaa..

Seorang Ibu memegang batik bagus, kayak model dress semi coat dengan cappuchon (maaf kalau salah tulisannya) dan dia ga jadi beli..
Langsung deh eike samber dan nyoba dan terkejut dengan harganya..
Dan pelayannya bilang, "Itu batik tulis, Mbak'..
Ga ngerti dehhh..
mau dibilang batik print-print an atau batik cetakan juga gw ga paham..

Tapi karena sudah amat sangat suka dan memang ingin batik santay pakai cappuchon, jadilah saya bayar..
Tapi apadaya..
Ga bisa kontrol..
Saya langsung memakainya..
Jadi baju yang pertama dibeli, langsung tergantikan dengan BATIK BAGUS NAN MAHAL inih..

Begitulah ceritanya..
Setelah ketemu Bu Irin di tempat parkir, kita balik ke kantor..
Dengan muka tegang pegang belanjaan dan menghitung pengeluaran dalam 45 menit tadi..
MENGGILA tampaknya saya tadi..
Tapi ga papa..
It's a gift for my birthday..
Iya gaaaaaaa?
mencari dasar pemaaf..

Time to go now..
Ada janji dengan my Lovely Sister..
Mau kongkow dan melepaskan kerinduan..

Have A great Weekend..


Tomorrow is The Big Day

Tomorrow it is..
Actually there will be couple events on tomorrow..
My bar exam and my -perjodohan- day..

About my bar exam.. Well.. Hope there will be lots of GOD's helps for me while doing the exam.. I have taken 3 days off and dedicated my time to study.. Imagine.. I graduated from my law faculty after 3,5 years of studying- my other half is only for my skripsi-.. And now I only have 3 days to re-study all those subjects..
Please GOD help me..


About my perjodohan..
I love my very bestfriend so much..
That's why it will always be my concern regarding her love life..
Once, she said to me that she wouldn't get married bcoz she's not into that kind of woman..
Okay.. I did see that in her..
But.. She was in early 20..
When most woman in our age had not in their idea yet to find the importance and the needs of marriage..
Stepping to the next level of life, or having children, or even for legal sex..
Don't be to naif for not needing that, Baby..

-MyBestFriend yang dimaksud ada di kiri-

Okay, and now, after turning to a maturedyetneedsexandwanttohaveourownchildren, one by one, we go to the process of preparing our marriage..
I have passed it already..
And she found that she wanted that also..
Okay, maybe not in the 'exact' need..
But, I know that she wantes also to be in the 'trendofthedecade' preparation..
She sometimes attends the wedding exhibitions, wondering the gown that she'll be wearing on the day, the foods, the decorations..
But the problem is:
She has not got the rite Groom to be with..
Not bcoz she's not having it in the real definition..
She has! But I don't think she's going to be with him..
Different religion..
You knew it before, rite..
Common problem.. Most couples issues..
But I don't want that commonpopular issue happens to my bestfriend..

Okay, make my blog short..
I have a officemate who is an engineer..
Okay, good looking, smart, sucess, SINGLE and LOOKING.. And has the same religion with her..
What to wait?

After making few BBM conference with them, I think we are having time sharing tomorrow after my bar exam..
I really wish for tomorrow will be done well..

Just wait for my updates okay..
I have to go back for my books..
And lunch..

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What A Hard Monday

Ga pernah yang namanya pusing sampai yang sekarang gw rasain..
Feel like I need long week sleeping..

Jumat malam tidurnya kurang..
Setelah jemput My Mom untuk spend the weekend at our home, tidurnya ga cepet..
Hari Sabtu, bisa bangun bisa siang, harus bangun pagi karena My Mom terbiasa bangun pagi, kasian kalau sendiran..
Sepanjang hari ga bisa tidur lagi, karena sore2 kita udah harus siap2 dinner di Munik, Matraman..

*Sedikit review tentang Munik resto, makanannya uenaaakkkk,, dan harganya ga terlalu mahal..
My Baba kalap makan kerang kecil something with "Nenek" in its name..
Termasuk my Sista in law and her cousin..
Malam itu kita bilang malam UDANG.. banyak menu udang yang kita pilih tidak sengaja..
Enakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bgttttttttt..
Udangnya mantabbbb..

Makan malam itu menyebabkan kita pulang larut dooonk..
Mana my Baba diajak mampir Starbucks bentar, dia menolak dengan alasan FULL..
Malam itu I drove our car while My Baba was in his sista's car..
Kita konvoi.. Awalnya..
Dengan mobil ayah sebagai pemimpin rombongan..
Tapiiii, karena si Ayah sambil telp (padahal udah pakai bluetooth lhoooo), jadi jalannya mengsong mengsong..
Ada mobil nyebelin yang nyalip dari kanan, padahal barisan konvoi Kerajaan Monaco ada di kanan! Whatttt.. I was so panic, kasih lampu dan klakson..
Tapi Ayah malah ambil jalur kiri dan walhasil gw ada di jalur kanan dan HARUS NGEBUT..
Seneng juga sih bisa lepas dari rombongan, jadi bisa ngebut..
Mantu yang nyebelin!
Singkat cerita, gw duluan sampai area Cibubur..
Terus ketemuan sama my Baba di depan komplek dan kita ke rumah..
Still with my Mom..

Pas sampai rumah.. I was a bit shocked..
He said that he's leaving for Manado tomorrow morning..
The previous plan was in Wednesday, tapi karena sekalian ada upacara prosesi or whatever it was, jadilah dimajuin..
Sedih kaliiii..
Jadi sampai rumah, gw harus siapin all stufs untuk dibawa sama my Baba..
termasuk celana kantor yang belum kering..
Tapi akhirnya gw gantung di krey kamar, yang langsung kena ke AC..

Minggu pagi, my Baba berangkat ke airport dianter Ayah..
Maafkan menantumu ini..
Lagi-lagi 'menyebalkan'..
Karena siang itu sebenernya ada arisan sekaligus halal bihalal keluarga my Mom..
That's why she stayed at our home..
venue arisannnya satu komplek, Jeuuunk..
Gw di blok K, dia di blok E..

Acara hari minggu ga terlalu asik..
Panasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss parahhhhhh..
Panas siang hari tuh bener2 menghabiskan tenaga..
Energi terkuras habis, sementara sore harus antar my Mom pulang dan malamnya ada rapat panitia sepupunya my Baba yang akan menikah 20 November 2009..
Okay, lelah selelah2nya lelah deh..
Mana pas rapat juga lumayan panas..
Mangkenye makin lemes aje..

The worst is..
Pagi tadi ada schedule medical check up..
Pastinya harus puasa dari semalam..
Dan pastinya pula jadi ga bisa MINUM KOPI..
bener banget..
lemes dan ngantuk sepanjang perjalanan ku yang sendiri dan menyetir di tengah kemacetan Jagorawi yang ga ngerti kenapa..

this is really a hard day for me..
Sepanjang hari pusiiiinggg..
Padahal setelah medcheck tadi, langsung ke TIS tebet, lari kecil ke Starbucks untuk Caramel Frappuchino yang buy one get one free..
Reaksi awal sih langsung hilang pusingnya..
Tapi ga ngerti kenapa sampai sekarang masih kerasa tuh..

Mana harus jemput my Baba ke bandara malam nanti..
Mudah2an ga maced dan flight nya ga delay..
I miss him soooo damn muuuch..
Tidur sendiri semalam kok kayaknya ga pas..
Balada Pengantin BAru..

Okay, while waiting, kayaknya mending ke salon di bilangan Tebet ajah lha..
krimbat atau refleksi,, baru meluncur ke arah Bandara..

Wait for ME..
I Love Youuuuuuuuuuu..


Sooooo Sleeeepppppyyyy..

We're having lunch near Citra Grand coz of the best traffic ever di Cibubur.. Still with my Mom.. My Mami tadi dateng.. Belum sempet lebaranan langsung sama my Mom, jadilah moment menginapnya Mom memudahkan silaturahmi.. Yupe.. My inlaws lebaran kemarin had their trip to Japan, with my Baba's sista..

Our plan for this saturday nite actually was about to have halalbihalal with Babab's junior high school friend from Labsschool.. Buttttt.. He changed his plan which I don't know why.. And maybe it's kinda God's plan though, Mami got a phone call from Ayah, informing that Ayah's uncle which formerly Bupati of Kerinci, is in Jakarta.. And we are going to have dinner with him.. Great..

Sooo.. Let's finish our lunch and prepare for tonite's dinner..

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It's a Beautiful Morning..

Happy.. Yipppppiiieeee..
Yupe.. My Mom stays at our home this weekend.. It's been more than 3 months we live in our own space, I bought a 2in1 spring bed for our guest room.. And my Mom make it not virgin anymore (in Bahasa: merawanin..yaikkk..norak abeeessss..)..

Now, she's having her mie kocok as b'fast sekaligus menjemput my Baba yg lari pagi menuju tempat sarapan di depan komplek.. I am sooo happy to make my Mom happy.. I love You, Mom..

My Baba is not having his bfast.. Terlalu lelah utk menggerakkan mulutnya.. Hahaha.. Nonono.. It's bcoz we have fried chicken at home.. Lhoooo.. Tampak akan percuma lari paginya.. Hadooooh..

I have an intention to make meals a la chef Mama.. But, she just skip abang tukang sayur shouts and said we're just gonna buy meals for lunch.. Yahhhh.. Ga jd belajar masak dehhh.. Yo weiss.. Later yah, Maaaaaam..

Okay, we're going back home..
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Testing testing

Kita coba dari BB yahhh.. Kan lumayan untuk killing time pada saat meeting.. Lholholho? Ckckckck..
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Ujian Advokat

Ngeri yah judulnya?
Me too..
Ga kebayang deh..
Soalnya kayak apa.. Pesertanya kayak apa.. Bisa atau ga jawabnya..
Ya Allah.. Mudahkan deh yang penting..

Bahan-bahan ujian terkumpul dengan sempurna..
Niata belajar selalu tidak terlaksana..
Semakin pupus karena Selasa 07.10.09 (hari macet sedunia sepulang dari BPMIGAS) sempet mampir ke Gramedia Hero Pancoran beli Perahu Kertas nya Dee dan seri terbarunya Fira Basuki, Ms B. Yin&Yang.. Baru selesai yang Ms. B karena tipis-selain karena memang ikutin terus..

This weekend will be the first time my Mom stay at our house..
I bought a 2in1 spring bed but still keep saving money for the AirCon..
Sorry Mom.. Hope we'll still get the happiness without it.. I Love You so much..
Another 'negative love' with my Baba prior to the weekend..
But let's not talk about my 'negative story' in this area, okay..

Back to my Ujian Advokat..
This is really my boss intention to upgrade my job grade (I think..)
Never cross in my mind that I will have my license..
But.. he insisted me to join the course, specific for in house lawyer in Oil&Gas companies..
Ga ada pilihan lain selain mng-iya-kan..
Dan hiburannya pun adalah menginap seminggu di Sheraton Hotel Bandara yang ternyata tidak sehebat hotel berbintang lainnya.. oopss.. sorry..

Setelah menunggu jadwal ujian, yang didahului oleh pernikahan ku dan my Baba (21 Juni 2009), dilanjutkan bulan madu yang dibiayai kantor.. yupe.. saya harus meeting setelah menikah.. keren yahhhh.. sibuk banget memang wanita karir yang satu ini.. akhirnya ada pengumuman bahwa sertifkat PKPA sudah bisa diambil dan jadwal ujian adalah tanggal 17 OKTOBER 2009..
OMAIGOT agaiiinnnnnnn..
Ga mungkin deh belajar dengan cara menyicil..
Mana mungkin.. Kami berangkat subuh, kembali di malam hari, makan malam, kemudian tidur dan saling meniduri.. Lholholho.. Kok porno? Maafkannn..
Meskipun di jam kerja suka curi-curi main games (masiiihhhh ajah udah hari geneeeh)..
Intinya ga niat banget belajar..

Jadi, ku hampiri ruangan boss ku tercintah, Mr. S..
Me: "Pak.. jadwal ujian advokat sudah ada.."
Mr. S: "Oh ya, Neng.. Selamat yah.."
Me: dalam hati :"Lho?".. "iya, Pak.. tanggal 17 Oktober"
Mr. S: "Saya yakin kamu bisa.. Rencana saya.. Nanti Tami saya ajukan ke PHE, jadi nanti jadi karyawan PHE, bukan JOB saja.. Selama ini kan kamu secara tidak langsung sudah membantu Pak S. (Legal mgr PHE) dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan cost recovery KHE.."

Hadoooooh.. Diriku yang tadinya mau nolak ujian advokat jadi bingyung duooonk..
Okay, dengan cara lain deh:
Me: "Tapi, Pak... to be honest, ujian ini susah lulusnya.. Teman saya saja yang amat sangat pintar nan jenius (You should thanks to me, Mongbellen) 2 kali ujian tapi ga lulus.. itu karena quota untuk Jakarta sangat terbatas.."
Mr. S: Dengan tetap yakin, "aah.. masa Tami ga bisaaa.."

Usaha lagi:
Me:" Other thing is.. Kalau pun saya lulus (aamiin ya Allah aamiin), saya tidak bisa langsung dapat license nya, Pak.. Karena saya masih harus memenuhi persyaratan magang di Lawfirm.. Pak A. (Petinggi hukum BPMIGAS) memang awalnya akan mengusahakan untuk meniadakan persyaratan magang 2 tahun, tapi sepertinya tidak ada repsonse positif dari Peradi..".
Mr. S: masih tetap yakin, "Ya ga papa.. yang penting kamu sudah dapat itu surat kelulusan, nanti aan lebih mudah lagi..".

Usaha terakhir:
Me:" Okay, Pak. Oh iya, ada biaya Rp 700.000,00 untuk ujiannya.. Apa bisa dibayarkan oleh Kantor?"
Ngarep jawabannya adalah,, "Tergantung lulus atau ga yah, tamiiiii.."
ternyata jawabannya:
Mr.S: "Ooooh.. tentu,, berapapun untuk your personal improvement, akan saya usahakan untuk bisa terus dibayarkan oleh perusahaan.."
Me: "Terima kasih, Pak.. Saya harus belajar keras nih.. Saya mohon izin cuti menjelang ujian yah.. dua atau tiga hari.."
Mr.S: "Bolehhhhh.. silakan, Neng.. Saya selau dukung.."

emang hebat bos gw..
I lop yu pull..

Back to current time..
Perahu Kertas nya Dee ada di sebelah kiri, di bawahnya my Javy yang mana Twitter dan FB nya sudah ada banyak new notifications..
OMAIGOT againnnnn..
Kapan belajarnyaaaaaaaaaaaah..

Oh iya, bahan2nya kan di rumah yah..
Weekend deh..
Mudah2an lhoooo..



Blog Perdana

This is my first time blogging..
Setelah membaca blogs nya teman-teman..
Mulai dari teman yang memang hobby nge-blog sampai yang memulai blog-ing setelah ada kepastian pernikahan dari para pacaranya.. ^_^
Whatever you feel, whatever you see, just write them down, and you'll find it later when you feel like you want to read that again..

Other reason why I start blog-ing is karena gw orangnya mudah melupakan sesuatu peristiwa, yang pada saat itu gw anggap not that important to remember, and one day gw panik mencaritahu dan berusaha mengingat how was the thing going exactly..
And.. Yupe.. Penasaran banget..
Pernah berantem sama my Baba coz of my High Keyakinan bahwa gw adalah benar..
Gw ngerasa fash disk nya dia yang dipakai untuk cetak foto nikah udah dikembalikan..
I tried really hard to remember bahwa sudah diterima..
Sampai gw berfikir lain kali pakai buku distribusi ajah yah..
Dan beberapa hari kemudian, teman gw yang bantu cetakin fotonya ngembaliin si flashdisk dan berakhir dengan gw meminta maaf dengan 'hot' ke My Baba..
Sorry and Love You, Bab..

That is the preface for my Blog..
Just enjoy it if you like it..
If you don't, just stop visiting my Blog, Okay..
