

PERFORMER.. What is it?

Most people are curious why I always put "performer' as an additional in my name, including this Blog..
Once upon a time, halaaah..
Not every story should begin with that phrase, rite?
Let's start it..
When I was with Elnusa, as their legal counsel, I had a 'small group' which usually was the center of management's attention because of our bad behaviour, such as shouting to each other, behind-talking (whatisitmaaaan..hahahaha), having after hour parties, karoke-ing, and still other thing to tell like taking photo in swimming pool with not-so-goo-pose-for-those-married-persons.. Hehehe..
I had this Bro, named Andry Pamungkas (called WP), he was on of the closest friend of mine, despite of his bad expression to me, I Love him so much because of his 'otak jenius yang aneh'..
Once, he told me to take the online test which seemed to me like a psychology test..
It was the MBTI test.. He said that he was an IDEALIST..
Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
Okay, then I tried it, 72 q's I must answered and with limited vocabulary and there were no or similar ti help me find the meaning of each words..
Then come the result..
ESFP.. Extrovert Sensing Feeling Perceiving
And the call for it is PERFORMER..
See the description below..
Maybe it is true, as WP said that the result is 99% ACCURATE..
He knew it before I took the test and got the result..
He always have a sense that I was a person who was A DRAMA QUEEN..
Well, not exactly that Drama even that Queen.
But he looked at me as a woman which always look for people attention..
Darn it..
I didn't notice it, it is naturally out of myself, which I never intentionally do for such a way to get that attention..
Sometimes I feel like I am soooo tired of being this..
But like I said, I even didn't know how I start it, how could I stop it then..
I remember how sad I was being a school enemy because I go to Teachers' room to tell him/her that my class was waiting for the subjects to be delivered..
Who wanted that?
None but me..
Why I did that?
Because I want to be known by the teachers as a 'best student'..
I got it, the best student with lots of trophies..
But now I realise how I missed the craziness of high school..
Artisan™ Portrait of the Performer (ESFP)

Performers have the special ability, even among the Artisans, to delight those around them with their warmth, their good humor, and with their often extraordinary skills in music, comedy, and drama. Whether on the job, with friends, or with their families, Performers are exciting and full of fun, and their great social interest lies in stimulating those around them to take a break from work and worry, to lighten up and enjoy life.

Performers are plentiful, something over ten percent of the population, and this is fortunate, because they bring pleasure to so many of us. Performers are the people for whom it can truly be said "all the world's a stage." Born entertainers, they love the excitement of playing to an audience, and will quickly become the center of attention wherever they are. Performers aren't comfortable being alone, and seek the company of others whenever possible-which they usually find, for they make wonderful playmates. Performers are smooth, talkative, and witty; they always seem to know the latest jokes and stories, and are quick with wisecracks and wordplay-nothing is so serious or sacred that it can't be made fun of. Performers also like to live in the fast lane, and seem up on the latest fashions of dress, food, drink, and music. Lively and uninhibited, Performers are the life of the party, always trying to create in those around them a mood of eat, drink, and be merry.

The Performers' talent for enjoying life is healthy for the most part, though it also makes them more subject to temptations than the other types. Pleasure seems to be an end in itself for them, and variety is the spice of life. And so Performers are open to trying almost anything that promises them a good time, not always giving enough thought to the consequences.

Like the other Artisans, Performers are incurably optimistic - "Always look on the bright side," is their motto - and they will avoid worries and troubles by ignoring them as long as possible. They are also the most generous of all the types, and second only to the Composer Artisans [ISFPs] in kindness. Performers haven't a mean or stingy bone in their body-what's theirs is yours-and they seem to have little idea of saving or conserving. They give what they have to one and all without expectation of reward, just as they love freely, and without expecting anything in return. In so many ways, Performers view life as an eternal cornucopia from which flows an endless supply of pleasures.

Elizabeth Taylor, John Goodman, Marylin Monroe, Judy Garland, Magic Johnson, Pablo Picasso, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Elvis, and Leonard Bernstein are examples of Performer Artisans.

2 komentar:

  1. What a long explanation for one word ^ ^, in short term... performer = banci tampil :p but I mean it in a good way :) Glad you now also blog, I'll definitely stay tuned ^ ^

  2. Hahaha..
    Panjang yahhh..
    Aku masih banyak belajar nihhhhh..
    Ntar aku tanya2 kamuuu..
