

Sooooo Sleeeepppppyyyy..

We're having lunch near Citra Grand coz of the best traffic ever di Cibubur.. Still with my Mom.. My Mami tadi dateng.. Belum sempet lebaranan langsung sama my Mom, jadilah moment menginapnya Mom memudahkan silaturahmi.. Yupe.. My inlaws lebaran kemarin had their trip to Japan, with my Baba's sista..

Our plan for this saturday nite actually was about to have halalbihalal with Babab's junior high school friend from Labsschool.. Buttttt.. He changed his plan which I don't know why.. And maybe it's kinda God's plan though, Mami got a phone call from Ayah, informing that Ayah's uncle which formerly Bupati of Kerinci, is in Jakarta.. And we are going to have dinner with him.. Great..

Sooo.. Let's finish our lunch and prepare for tonite's dinner..

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